How do I receive this funding?

From July 1st - July 15th, previously approved providers will need to update their existing application in order to receive a second payment. You can update your existing application by updating Section 3 and confirming employees are still employed and whether they have been paid a portion of the Staff Retention Expenses Award. Providers will also need to confirm banking information in Section 5.
No other application updates are required.
What has changed for this round of funding?

Approved grantees from round 1 will have to update their existing application. No new applications or documentations are required.
Due to a surplus of funds, there will be an additional Operation Expenses Award distributed to each provider, in addition to the Staff Retention Expenses Award. Operational Awards will still be calculated as a per-child amount based on service type and licensed capacity. However, the amount per child is decreasing from the first round.
Staff Retention Expenses Awards will not be tiered for this round -- all staff will receive the same dollar amount.
Funds must be spent by October 24, 2024 instead of August 15, 2024. Unspent funds will need to be returned November 7th.
Can I apply for this funding if I didn't apply for Round one of the Supplemental Child Care Grant Program?

This additional funding is only for providers who applied and were approved for funding through the Supplemental Child Care Program. No new applications will be accepted.
How much money will I receive?

Providers will receive both an operational base award and staff retention expenses award in this payment.
The Operating Expenses base award is a per-child amount based on service type and licensed capacity. The numbers below are estimated payments for Round 2. These may change based on final application numbers.
Provider Type |
Operating Expenses Award (Amount per Child) |
IT |
Infant / Toddler Centers |
$1,410.00 |
Group Child Care / Preschool |
$898.00 |
Family Child Care |
$1,218.00 |
Group Care Home |
$1,218.00 |
Before / After School Programs |
$207.00 |
A+ |
A+ Programs |
$207.00 |
The Staff Retention Expenses Award will be issued as a flat payment amount of $1,000. This will not vary by position. Staff are only eligible for the retention award if they were included and approved in the initial application.
Can I add new staff to my application?

No, new staff cannot be added to the application. You must update your existing staff list to indicate whether staff are still employed. All staff still employed from your original list will be eligible for the staff retention payment.
When will I receive funding?

Providers will receive the additional funding in September 2024. All funding should be spent by October 24, 2024. The final reports are due on November 14, 2024.
What can I spend this funding on?

Providers will be able to use these additional funds as outlined in the original round of funding -- there are no changes to permissible fund usage. These are outlined in the 'use of funds' section of the FAQ below.
What is the Supplemental Child Care Grant Program?

The State of Hawaii Department of Human Services has received funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 to provide assistance to licensed
child care providers experiencing financial hardship and child care market instability due to COVID-19. This funding is intended to improve child care provider
staff retention and recruitment efforts, and cover the financial obligations of continuing operations, preventing permanent closures, and/or enabling programs to re-open safely and with financial
resources to Hawaii’s families. More information is located here.
Who is administering these funds?

Public Consulting Group (PCG), on behalf of the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services, will administer funding for the Supplemental Child Care Grant Program.
What is the grant period?

The grant period is from January 2, 2024 to October 24, 2024. Providers will receive two payments for this grant – the first in May 2024 and the second
in June 2024. The first payment will include the Operating Expenses award and first half of the Staff Retention Expenses award.
The second payment will include the second half of the Staff Retention Expenses award.
Update: The grant period has been extended to October 24, 2024. First payments were distributed in May & June 2024. Second payment will be distributed in September 2024.
What is the application deadline for funding?

The deadline for the initial application is February 9, 2024 at 11:59 P.M. The deadline to confirm initial application details in order to receive a second payment is Spring 2024.
What is required of me to receive my second payment?

Providers who applied for the first payment will be required to confirm they want to receive the second half of their Staff Retention Expenses award.
You will receive an email prompting you to return to your application and
confirm that the staff listed previously in your initial application are still employed.
Update: Providers who applied for the first payment will be required to confirm their staff list in order to receive a second payment which includes both an operational award and a staff retention award.
What are the funding amounts?

The Operating Expenses base award is a per-child amount based on service type and licensed capacity.
The formulas for the awards are as follows:
Provider Type |
Operating Expenses Award (Amount per Child) |
IT |
Infant / Toddler Centers |
$2,120.00 |
Group Child Care / Preschool |
$1,350.00 |
Family Child Care |
$1,830.00 |
Group Care Home |
$1,830.00 |
Before / After School Programs |
$320.00 |
A+ |
A+ Programs |
$320.00 |
The Staff Retention Expenses award is based on staff position type. The formulas for the awards are as follows:
Tier 1 - $3,500.00 per employee |
Tier 2 - $2,000.00 per employee |
Director |
Aide |
Teacher |
Substitute |
Assistant Teacher |
Director (BAS service) |
Lead Caregiver (Infant/Toddler Center) |
Program Leader (BAS service) |
Caregiver (Infant/Toddler Center) |
Assistant Program Leader (BAS service) |
Family Child Care Provider |
Who is eligible to receive funding?

Child care providers must have been licensed as of December 31, 2022:
- Family Child Care Home
- Group Care Home
- Group Center / Infant Toddler Center
- Before / After School Program
- Legally Exempt A+ Provider contracted by DOE
In addition, all programs must also be:
- Currently open and available to provide services.
Note: For all providers except Family Child Care providers, only Registered Agents or Officers of the organization may complete and sign an application.
If you have previously applied and are not authorized to do so per the above terms, please contact our Call Center at (808) 439-6687.
Update: In order to be eligible for the second round of funding, providers must have applied and been approved for the first round.
Our authorized signer has left the organization. Can someone else from our organization apply?

Visit the DCCA (Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs) to look up who is registered/attached to
the business license:Hawaii Business Express website.
Whoever is registered on file would have to request this update. As this may be a long process, for our purposes/in the short term, please send documentation that the new
authorized signer you are proposing has the authority to serve as the authorized signer for your program (e.g., board meeting minutes, DCCA record filings, etc.)
Provide us with new authorized signer information:
- Previous authorized signer first/last name, number, email
- New person’s first and last name, title, number, email
- Your Provider Name, Provider ID, and Service ID(s)
Can I apply if I have a pending application for a child care license?

You must have been fully licensed by December 31, 2022 in order to be eligible for funding. Any providers licensed after December 31, 2022 are not eligible to apply.
Do I have to be operating at full capacity in order to be eligible to receive funding?

No, child care providers are not required to be operating at full capacity in order to receive funding.
Am I eligible to apply for funding if my program is currently closed?

In order to be a qualified child care provider and eligible to receive a subgrant, a child care provider must be open to provide child care services.
Are programs that are faith-based or extended day child care eligible to apply for these funds?

The Operating Expenses Award amount is pro-rated based on the percentage of the curriculum that is dedicated to faith-based services, if applicable.
For example, if 48% of the curriculum is focused around faith, 52% of the total Operating Expenses base award amount will be paid to the program. Similarly,
the Operating Expenses Award amount is pro-rated based on the percentage of the curriculum that is dedicated to extended day child care services, if applicable.
For example, if 48% of the curriculum is focused around extended day child care, 48% of the total Operating Expenses base award amount will be paid to the program.
For all other inquiries regarding the calculation related to funding amounts included within your award letter, please refer to the FAQ labeled “What are the funding amounts?”.
Am I still eligible to receive funding if I have received financial support from other programs?

Yes, all child care providers who have received financial assistance through previous grants and/or loans are still eligible to apply for funding.
What requirements must be met in order to accept funding?

Applicants must apply, be eligible, and be approved to receive funding. Certain terms and conditions of the subgrant must also be met:
- Agree to use funds for specified categories and maintain records and other documentation to support the use of funds received
- Be in good standing and compliance with the State of Hawaii regulatory authorities
- When open and providing services, implement health and safety policies in line with guidance and orders from corresponding state, territorial, tribal, and local authorities and, to the greatest extent possible, implement policies in line with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- For each employee, pay at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits and not involuntarily furlough employees
- Provide relief from copayments and tuition payments for families enrolled in the program when able and, to the greatest extent possible, prioritize relief for families struggling to make either type of payment if unable to provide relief for all families
My child care facility is part of/owned by/operated by or is a private educational institution. Am I eligible for funding?

No. A child care facility that is either part of/owned by/operated by a private educational institution, is not eligible for funding. An organization or
individual that owns or operates both a private educational institution and a child care facility may be eligible for funding only if they can provide evidence
that the operations and finances of the private educational institution are completely separate from the operations and finances of the child care facility so that
is it clear a child care grant would not support or benefit the private educational institution in violation of article X, section 1 of the Hawaii State Constitution.
What is considered good standing?

To be in good standing, you must certify that your program:
- Complies with the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs for the type of business which it is held out to the public
- Complies with the State of Hawaii Department of Taxation and Internal Revenue Service’s tax requirements and is current with all state and federal tax obligations
- Complies with the State of Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations requirements which include, but are not limited to, section 103-55 wages, hours, and working conditions of employees for workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, payment of wages, and safety
What is a “qualified exempt provider”?

- "Qualified exempt provider" means child care that is operated as an A+ after-school program authorized by the department of education in accordance with sections 302A-408 and 302A-1149.5, HRS,
and may be exempt from licensure by the department under section 346-152, HRS.
Who qualifies for the Staff Retention Expenses Award?

ALL child care caregiver staff qualify for the Staff Retention Expenses Award – this does not apply to non-caregiver staff. Eligible staff includes caregivers that are directly employed by the child care facility at the time of application.
Depending on their position category, caregiver staff are eligible for one of two amounts (see table in ‘Program Details’ section above). Providers will be prompted in the application to select the ‘Position Category’ for each staff member.
Where applicable, this should be the position that staff are qualified for in the HI DHS Early Childhood Registry (this does not apply to Family Child Care Providers and BAS staff).
For Family Child Care Providers, the Staff Retention Award will only go to the primary caregiver. If Family Child Care providers use other adult household members to assist with
their child care, they may use a portion of their operating expenses award to provide them with compensation. This expense would be classified as a Personnel and Professional
Development Cost. Household members should have a background clearance and be in the department’s record system.
Caregivers - Individuals that work for the child care facility who work in a child-facing role. Examples of caregivers may include: directors, teachers,
assistant teachers, aides, infant and toddler lead caregivers and caregivers, program leaders, assistant program leaders and substitutes.
Non-caregivers - Individuals who work for the child care facility in a supportive or administrative role. Examples of non-caregiver staff may include: office staff, custodians and kitchen staff.
If I am self-employed or the sole owner/director of my child care facility, could I still be eligible for the Staff Retention Expenses award?

If you are self-employed and consider yourself to be a child care facility staff member you may be eligible for the Staff Retention Expenses award. Be sure to include your own name, title, and start date in the employee listing as a part of Section 3 of the application in order to be included for the Staff Retention Expenses award.
After receiving my first payment, can I add new employees to my employee listing for purposes of the Staff Retention Expenses award for my second payment?

No. You will be required to confirm that employees entered at the time of initial application are still employed. No new employees can be added at this time. However, if caregiver
staff begin working for your program after the time of initial application, you may use choose to use a portion of your Operating Expense award for retention efforts, such as staff bonuses.
How does the applicant receive the Staff Retention Expenses award?

Applicants must complete an initial application by February 9 to receive the first half of the Staff Retention Expenses award. In this application applicants
will be prompted to enter a staff roster for all caregiving staff employed at each service. To receive the second half of the Staff Retention Expenses award,
applicants will need to confirm the accuracy of and report any changes to the staff roster submitted with the initial application.
Update: A full Staff Retention Expenses Award was distributed in the first round. Providers will receive a second Staff Retention Expenses award in the second round.
How does the employee get their Staff Retention Expenses award payment?

The employee(s) that meet the criteria will receive their Staff Retention Expenses award payment from the child care facility. Employees are entitled to receive at least some portion of this payment no
later than 30 days upon receipt of the award payment to the child care facility. The remaining amount must be received by employees prior to the facility
applying to receive the second half of the award.
How will my employee list be verified for the Staff Retention Expenses award?

All staff listed in your application will be verified through your most recent license or registration renewal application or through the DHS data system records. Staff members that are not listed on
your most recent license or registration renewal application or found in the DHS data system will be verified through your DHS child care licensing worker.
What are the required documents that the applicant must retain for reporting purposes for the Staff Retention Expenses award?

The applicant must show proof that the Staff Retention Expenses award payouts were distributed appropriately and within the required timeline. Documents shall be uploaded within the application
portal (e.g. payroll records, copies of checks, wire transfer copies, etc.) and should be saved for auditing purposes.
If an employee resigns or is terminated before the child care facility receives the Staff Retention Expenses award, would the applicant be responsible to return the funds back to the state?

Yes. Additionally, if an employee leaves before receiving the entire Staff Retention Expenses award payment (in the case of the employer only distributing a portion of the bonus within the
first 30 days of receipt), the applicant must return these funds back to DHS within the next 30 days following the departure of that staff member.
Can the Staff Retention Expenses award be used as an incentive to hire a new employee?

No. The purpose of the Staff Retention Expenses award is to retain current employees of the child care facility. However, staff recruitment efforts such as a signing bonus and advertising are an allowable expense under the ‘Operating Expenses’ category.
Are Head Start/Early Start programs eligible to apply for Operating Expense funds and Staff Retention Expense funds?

Head Start/Early Start programs are not eligible for the Operating Expenses award. However, Head Start/Early Start caregiving staff at eligible programs do qualify for the Staff Retention Expenses award.
How might the Staff Retention Expenses awards paid to staff be treated on an individual’s income tax filing?

These funds are considered taxable income. Employees and applicants should consult with their tax adviser for specifics on filing.
How do I apply for the Supplemental Child Care Grant Program?

An email will be automatically sent out to you, if you are the designated contact for the child care provider that is eligible for applying, the week of January 1, 2024. You will be directed to use an existing account or create a new account if you do not have one, in order to register and create a profile.
From the profile page, you can click Start an Application in order to begin the application process. You must complete the application in full in order to be eligible to receive payment but may save a draft and complete at a later time prior to submission.
Applications are available online only at this time and a separate application must be submitted for each provider if you are associated with multiple providers.
What browser can I use to create an application?

The following browsers are supported on either your desktop or mobile device:
- Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium)
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
Can I apply on my mobile device?

Yes, we support mobile applications.
What do I need in order to apply?

You will need:
- Your Federal Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) or Social Security Number (SSN)
- A completed W-9
- Copy of your driver’s license or valid government ID
We are a multi-service provider. Do we apply as one organization or for each site?

The application will be one per organization/provider. For each provider, you will be able to complete the application for all services underneath that provider.
Can I revise information on my application?

If you are in the process of completing your application, you may save a draft and complete the application at a later time.
If you need to update information on your application after submitting it, you can send an email to or call our Call Center at (808) 439-6687 for guidance. The Call Center is open from 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM HST Monday through Friday.
How can I report suspected Fraud, Waste or Abuse?

If you suspect Fraud, Waste or Abuse please call the below hotline number that applies to you:
- O’ahu: (808) 587-8444
- Hawaii: (808) 933-8899
- Kauai: (808) 241-7106
- Maui County: (808) 243-5840
I did not receive an invitation. Can I still apply?

All eligible providers who are licensed as of December 31, 2022 will be invited to apply. Providers who do not meet this eligibility criteria will not be able
to apply at this time. If you believe that you meet the eligibility criteria and should have received this invitation to apply, please send an email to or call our Call Center at (808) 439-6687 for assistance.
How much funding will I receive?

The State of Hawaii Department of Human Services will pay a provider based on their licensed capacity levels
and service types. The licensed capacity is the maximum number of children that is allowed according to your
license certificate. The licensed capacity is multiplied by a per child Operating Expense base award. This
calculation will determine your base funding. The list of funding amounts can be found
What can I use the funds for?

Operating Expenses
Award funds may be used to cover the following operating expenses:
- Personnel costs, including payroll and salaries or similar compensation for an employee, and benefits
- Staff recruitment efforts, such as a signing bonus or advertising expenses, and staff retention efforts, such as an employee bonus
(this is separate/in addition to the Staff Retention Expenses category referenced below)
- Rent or payment towards mortgage obligations, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance*
- Personal protective equipment, cleaning, and sanitization supplies and services
- Staff training and professional development
- Purchase or updates to equipment and supplies to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency
- Goods and/or services necessary to maintain or resume child care services, including consultations with
nurses or other medical professionals to ensure a healthy environment
- Tuition relief for families
- Tax and business services, such as hiring a tax professional for tax consultation - Update: Funds can also be used to pay GE taxes.
- Mental health support for children and employees
*Because only a percentage of these expenses are used to run a business in your home, Family Child Care providers may only use a percentage
of grant funds received for their mortgage, rent, utilities, etc. Providers may use a
time/space percentage calculator
to determine the number of hours and space the home is used for business activities.
Staff Retention Expenses
Providers can also receive an additional award component for staff retention expenses
for all caregiving staff who are employed at the time of application. This funding can be used for:
- Retention bonus
- Fringe benefit offsets (including insurance, retirement, etc.)
This grant is not intended for and may not be used for construction or major renovation of a facility or home. Major renovation means: (1) structural
changes to the foundation, roof, floor, exterior or load-bearing walls of a facility, or the extension of a facility to increase its floor area; or (2)
extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function and purpose, even if such renovation does not include any structural change.
Improvements to a facility that are not considered major renovations may be considered minor renovations, facility maintenance, or improvements are allowed.
If you are unsure if your improvement is allowable, please email us at
Once the application is approved, how long will it take to receive funds?

The review process, which includes signing the award letter and agreeing to the terms and conditions is expected to take 30 days. Once the application is processed for approval
and the payment is created, applicants can expect to receive their funds between 5-7 working days.
Upon approval of your application, you will be required to sign an award letter. Payment will occur after the signed award letter is received.
When do I need to spend the funds by?

The funds must be spent by no later than October 24, 2024. If only a portion of the subgrant is used, the remaining funds are called “unexpended funds”.
Grantees must return any unexpended funds to the DHS by November 7, 2024.
Do I need to provide documentation on how funds were spent?

Yes, any expenditure records and supporting documentation related to how program funding was spent should be kept. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Mortgage/rent agreements
- Utility statements
- Payroll and benefit records
- Original invoices and/or receipts for purchases
- Documentation of other benefits provided to child care staff members such as tuition reimbursement
How frequently does documentation of spending approved funds need to be provided?

Providers need to keep and submit 100% documentation of all spending, including any bonus awards (i.e., retention). This information should be uploaded throughout
the grant period in the application portal and a final grant report will need to be submitted by November 14, 2024.
Visit the Additional Resources page to download the Supplemental Child Care Fund Expense Worksheet tool -
. This tool is designed to help providers keep track of expenditures.
How will I get paid?

Payments will be distributed via direct deposit to the bank listed in the provider’s application.
The award letter will include information and award amounts for each service so providers know how to distribute payments accordingly.
Are there any circumstances where I will have to repay the funds?

Child care providers who comply with funding requirements and certifications will not be required to pay them back. However, any indication that a grantee has failed to
comply with the requirements and certifications may be asked to pay back funds and may result in discontinuation of future grant payments.
If only a portion of the subgrant is used, the remaining funds are called “unexpended funds”. Grantees must return any unexpended funds to the DHS by November 7, 2024.
How can I return funds?

For questions regarding unspent funds, please email or
call our Call Center at 808-439-6687. Any unspent funds must be returned to this address:
Child Care Regulation Program Office
ATTN: Dayna Luka
1010 Richards Street, Suite 512
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Please make the check out to: State of Hawaii, Director of Finance
For returned Operating Expenses, please indicate in the MEMO: your provider name and ID.
For returned Retention Expenses, please indicate in the MEMO: your provider name and ID and name(s) of the staff member(s) you are returning the money for.
What will happen to returned funds?

Unexpended funds will be redistributed to providers after the initial round of payment.
Can I use the funds to pay for past expenses?

Subgrants must be used towards expenses incurred between October 1, 2023 and October 24, 2024.
How do I handle tax implications from this grant?

These funds are considered taxable income. Please discuss any tax implications with a tax professional. Tax and business services,
such as hiring a tax professional for tax consultation, are an allowable operating expense.